Find your happiness and learn to put yourself first.

Can you relate to the following…

Do you feel like you’ve ‘lost’ yourself?

Are you stuck in a rut?

Do you have little or no self-confidence?

Have no time for yourself?

Have no balance in your life?

Do you put everyone else before yourself?

Do you worry and overthink?

Do you need some direction in your life?

Don’t know what you actually want?

Welcome to CJM Life Coaching.

If you’re struggling to find direction in your life, I can help. I’ll help you bridge the gap between where you’re at now and where you want to be.


The story behind CJM Life Coaching.

I’m Carla, I am based in Otorohanga and have 3 gorgeous children. CJM is my initials, however I have also given each letter a word which has meaning for me and what I believe the Life Coaching process to encompass – Clarity (getting clear on what you want), Journey (development process, working on yourself), Mastery (become the master of the life you want). Therefore this has also created my Vision Statement – “I will guide you to find CLARITY as you embark on your JOURNEY to your own life MASTERY”

What People Are Saying

When I started on this journey with Carla, I felt like I was going in blindfolded – I had no idea what a life coach was for, or how a life coach would benefit me. After six sessions I want to say a big THANK YOU to Carla. As a life coach she encouraged me to reflect on the journey I was on and has given me some great takeaway tools that I can use going forward. Before my sessions I was just going through the daily motions of life, now - I have a huge sense of awareness both in myself and my environment. As my sessions with Carla progressed I could see the changes in my thoughts and behaviours and really enjoyed the way our conversation flowed over those sessions. Carla was not discouraged if some of the tools she suggested were not to my liking, she was always there with something else to try. It made me feel like she really took the time to understand me and what makes me tick. I appreciated the fact that even between sessions Carla was proactive in keeping in touch, her words of encouragement kept me positive. Thanks again Carla for setting me up with some great tools and starting me on my new positive journey.

— Aimee

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Our Services

Option 01 — 1:1 Coaching (virtual)

If you’re based anywhere else in New Zealand or the world, online coaching is available to you via Sykpe or Zoom.

Price: $100/session (1 – 1 ½ hours per session)

Option 02 — 1:1 Coaching (In-Person)

I am based in Otorohanga (NZ) and have a nice little studio set up in my home if you are local and prefer face-to-face coaching.

Price: $100/session (1 – 1 ½ hours per session)